Membership Solutions Ltd

MSL's final, seasonal round up of news for 2017

12th December 2017 - The Christmas wind down might have started already for your students but we that know for their students' union the focus continues on all the member engagement, commercial, academic representation and democratic activities that make your organisation such an important part of your members' time at university. We're proud to support you all with your day-to-day activities and would like to share a final round up of our latest news, developments and events.

ChesterChristmasDataelectionsGDPRNewslettersStrathclydeStudent Group FinancesUlster
Snowy scene

The Christmas wind down might have started already for your students but we that know for their students' union the focus continues on all the member engagement, commercial, academic representation and democratic activities that make your organisation such an important part of your members' time at university. We're proud to support you all - and that's over 100 students' organisations - with your day-to-day activities and would like to share a final round up of our latest news, product developments and events for the new year. 

Student Group Finances - secure digital management of club and society finances

University of Chester drives volunteering participation through MSL

MSL Elections training day: Monday 22nd January 2018

University of Strathclyde Students' Association (USSA) - new membership management system

University of Ulster Students' Union builds on online elections success

GDPR - how prepared are you?

Wishing you all a peaceful break and an enjoyable start to the New Year 2018.  

Student Group Finances - saving you time, money and paper

MSL has expanded its membership management platform with a Student Group Finances system dedicated to delivering a modern professional finance management service for your clubs and societies. MSL Student Group Finances supports and empowers both staff and committees with digital forms and workflow for income, expenditure and transfer requests, combined with regular synchronisation direct with your finance system. Contact us to find out more.

University of Chester supports student volunteering with MSL's help 

The University of Chester’s volunteering service has chosen MSL’s Volunteering and Employability System to support its drive to encourage its 20,000 students and 1,800 staff to develop their skills and to give something back to their community through volunteering. Read the news in full.

Join us for our next training day at Warwick SUHQ: MSL Elections - Monday 22nd January 2018.

This popular training session will help new users, and refresh old hands, with the features and functionality of MSL Elections. The agenda will include: how to set up groups, posts and voter lists; displaying elections, results and real-time voting stats on your website; running the count; and the different stages of the count. Places will book up quickly for this day, so please reserve spaces today using the booking form on the event page.


USSA chooses the MSL System to support student engagement

University of Strathclyde Students’ Association new digital engagement platform from MSL includes a new website, online elections, volunteering and employability facilities, clubs and societies tools and online shop. USSA is also benefiting from MSL's support for Course Reps and HEAR reporting. The MSL System was chosen to further their aim of keeping Scotland's third largest student community connected and up-to-date with what is happening in and around their campus. Read the news in full.

UUSU extends digital engagement tools following online elections success 

University of Ulster Students’ Union has chosen to implement a range of digital solutions from MSL to support their student engagement objectives.  The Union has successfully used MSL Elections since 2014 and will now add a new website, clubs and societies tools, volunteering, door entry and venue management platforms to their online membership management tools. Read the news in full.

?GDPR - data retention policy review 

Our planning continues for next May's new regulation and we have recently updated our GDPR compliance page with a link to more guidance documentation from the ICO, plus an outline of the main principles applying to clients’ student data. This can be seen on a seperate page, requiring log in, from the main GDPR page. We welcome your comments and feedback as ever on this topic. 


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