Membership Solutions Ltd

Elections training week is just around the corner!

How quickly has this come around again - unless youre new to the MSL System in which casewelcome to Elections training week 2023

How quickly has this come around again - unless you're new to the MSL System in which case, welcome to Elections training week!

We know there's a lot to take in so, as usual, we're splitting content into bite-size sessions every day during the week commencing 9th January 2023.

All session times are 11:00-12:00 (GMT).

These are all the topics we're covering - if you'd like to book, head over to the event page here (requires a log in)*.

9th January: Election set up in the MSL System Admin site

10th January: Creating a new election on your MSL website

11th January: Elections from a student's perspective (Nominations and Voting) 

12th January: Setting up real-time Voting Stats and running Elections Reports 

13th January: Running your Election Count and Publishing your Results 


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