Membership Solutions Ltd

BLOG: Improving your online user experience

20th November 2019 - Instant access to everything, at any time, no matter what it is – that’s the mantra by which your student members live; from travel information to fast food, gig tickets to current affairs. Your website is a hub of information and opportunities to participate that many students rely upon to support their university and social lives - and so they expect that same feeling of immediacy from your site as they get from ASOS and Amazon.

Graphic representing students working and accessing online info

20th November 2019 - Instant access to everything, at any time, no matter what it is – that’s the mantra by which your student members live; from travel information to fast food, gig tickets to current affairs. Your website is a hub of information and opportunities to participate that many students rely upon to support their university and social lives - and so they expect that same feeling of immediacy from your site as they get from ASOS and Amazon.

Bit of a tall order? Well, no – in fact recent changes we’ve made, including server migrations and updates to the hardware that supports your website, have resulted in a significant improvement to your overall website performance. Faster page loading, quicker access to your online shop, minimal delay in grabbing tickets to the next big gig or joining the most popular club on campus - your users' customer experience just went up several notches.

Here’s a snapshot from one MSL website showing response times before and after the server migrations. Whilst the majority of your website users – and that’s public and staff - might not have noticed the improvement, the increased capacity, storage and faster response times will improve everyone’s experience of your website.

MSL will be on the road again starting in the new year with six customer days around the UK. Find out more on the event page here.

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