
Version 6.7.525

A summary of the changes in Release 6.7.525

Release Notes - MembershipSystem: 6.7.525

15654: Collections Report

The Collections Report for a product shows how many items have been collected and how many are awaiting collection.

14827: Product customisations report

The Product Customisations report in the report server displays all customer-specified customisations for sales of a particular product, in a date range.

14513: Admin web - display registration attempts on import data lists

This lets you quickly identify and sort out people who've had problems registering their account because their university data record is stuck in the duplicates or pending import data.

14092: Ticket setup page doesn't accept finance code

Fixed a problem where the add finance code section of the event tickets page did not accept single-section finance codes

6407: Message unsubscribe link

The email delivery service now adds an unsubscribe link to the bottom of each message.  This allows the recipient to switch off email delivery for all subsequent messages from that organisation, without having to log in to change their options. 

The link is not added to 'system' messages i.e. email receipts, account validation messages and email confirmation messages.

This can be switched off completely if required and no link will be added.

13929: Memberships Admin - add toolbar to grouping details screen

The toolbar provides access to Memberships and Requirements.

13076: NUS Extra Card 2008 Sales

The system can now sell and process applications for NUS Extra 2008 cards, providing the customer Union is registered with NUS

14083: UI for registration pages

The Admin website now contains a set of pages for viewing and updating the registration pages.  Currently you need to contact MSL to get any changes made.

13982: Door Entry - have more than 5 ticket buttons

The Door Entry application is now capable of displaying up to 15 ticket buttons.

14146: Do not require email address match on registration

Registration pages that check against University data can be configured to not check the email address.  This means you can deal with 'freshers' cases where the students don't yet have access to their University email accounts.  The system still sends a validation email, but to the address they specify.

13910: Message personalisation tokens

In the Message Centre you can now add special tokens to messages, which are set to the recipient's information when the message is sent. 

The tokens are { FirstName} and { LastName} - just add to the message wherever you want the text to appear.

14179: Admin web add finance code doesn't check properly

When adding a finance code via the POS section of the admin website, the page now checks that the code is valid according to the site's rules

14177: POS Admin - changing PPL doesn't trigger Apply button

Fixed a problem where the Apply button was not being enabled if a product's per person limit was changed.

10810: Non student registration - email confirmation and account validation message

Fixed the non-student registration page to send only one account validation email (rather than the email confirmation message AND the account validation message).