
Version 6.4.334

A summary of the changes in version 6.4.334

Release Notes - MembershipSystem: 6.4.334

11116: Profile Pages

Profile pages were incorrectly displaying the logged in user's friend list, bog posts etc. This is now corrected to show the list belonging to the person in the profile

11112: Unsubscribe email address

If you are getting persistent delivery failures for particular email addresses, you can unsubscribe it from all email communications via the Messaging section of the admin website.  This doesn't remove the address, but alter's the owner's contact options to prevent email delivery.

9114: Forums - un-sticky forums

Setting a forum topic to not longer be 'sticky' is now possible

9387: RSS Feeds with invalid rss sources

Currently RSS feeds with invalid sources will not display.

9613: News control thumbnail image dimensions

Thumbnail images for news lists can now have 0 width or height. This will remove the image from  the list.

10066: Searchs including certain characters fail

Searching using certain character combinations will no longer result in zero search results.

8321: Search forums error

Forum results will no longer cause an error when no subject is entered.

10684: Form page errors

Viewing a form page before adding the email addresses etc. will no longer cause an error.

10872: Confirm image delete in skin admin

Pressing delete button will now prompt for confirmation for deleting stylesheets and images.

10884: Message centre - deleting messages does not refresh list

Deleting *all* messages in your inbox now refreshes the list to show no messages as expected