To access your organisation details locate the Admin panel and select your organisation. The Admin panel may appear at the top of your navigation as in the below example or could appear elsewhere depending on how your website's navigation panel has been set up.
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On your organisation Admin tools page select 'Edit Details'

Complete the details for your organisation (see below for details on each field), then click on ‘update’ to save them.
Descriptions of each area within Organisational Details
Your webname is a way of uniquely identifying your organisation on the website. It has to be between 3 and 20 characters long with no spaces and should be recognisable as a name for your organisation even if it has been abbreviated. ONCE YOUR WEBNAME HAS BEEN CHOSEN YOU CANNOT CHANGE IT so choose it carefully. Note: Your site administrator may already have allocated a webname to you.
Standard/Custom root page
To populate your default page with content, keep the ‘use the standard root page’ option selected. The information you enter here will appear on your default page without any additional setup.
Upload or change your organisation's logo by clicking "Choose file", seleting your image and "Update".
Team Details
It is now possible to include fields for a 'Team Photo' and 'Team Name'
If you would like this enabled on your site, please get in touch with us.
Email address
This is the email address that will be published to contact your organisation, enter a full valid email address e.g. Your SU may have rules about which email address you have to use.
Web address
If you have a separate external website, enter the full address here e.g.
Twitter username
If you have an organisation Twitter feed, add the Twitter username here e.g. @myuniclub
Facebook URL
If you have an organisation Facebook page, enter the full address here e.g.
Instagram URL
If you have an organisation Instagram page, enter the full address here e.g.
Listing Description
The listing description will appear on organisation listings, this is your short description.
The organisation description is used as default content for your page. You can add as much content as you like, and include both text and images.
View your default page by clicking on ‘Back to admin tools’.
To watch a video showing you how to edit and update your organisation details, take a look at the below video tutorial:
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