MSL Big Day Out - the 2023 summer series begins!

MSL Big Day Out - the 2023 summer series begins!

10:30am - 3:30pm

Thursday 08 June 2023

Teams sessions

Our tradition of bringing the MSL community* together starts again on the 8th June - we'll hear from great speakers, share ideas and take part in inspiring discussions lead by you! Look out for more sessions to be announced in the coming months.

Register your interest in attending these Big Day Out kick off sessions and we will send you the Teams joining links.  Can't make the date?  Register anyway and we will send you the recordings.

📈 Growing participation with data

8th June 10.30am-11.30am (BST)

Simon McDowell, Communications and Marketing Manager at Bucks Students' Union will get us all talking about data! Data is all around us and we use it in a variety of different ways to aid our decision-making processes. But, how can we make our membership data work harder and grow levels of participation and engagement? How can this data feed into wider discussions with our parent institutions? 

Register for the Bucks Students' Union session.

🕝 MSL User Group

8th June 2.30pm-3.30pm (BST)

Take part in a Q & A with the MSL Product Development team, lead by Laura Merris, Product Manager. This will be a knowledge share session, a preview of the MSL Roadmap and a reminder of some of the great features that have been recently released to your MSL System. This is your chance to feedback on how you use the MSL System, suggest future developments and tell us about the features you love and even those you don't...

Register for the MSL User Group session.


*Not a member of our community yet? Would you like to join in with discussions about great engagement, digital ideas and the student experience? Contact us to learn how to do more digitally with MSL's support.